
M. Tennis Faces Georgia in NCAA Sweet 16

13-seed Crimson play Bulldogs on their home courts

The two overriding factors in the equation that make the road to history-making even more formidable for the team, however, is that of time and place.

Not only is the Crimson matched up against Georgia in front of the Bulldogs' home crowd--which often numbers into the thousands--the Harvard players are also finishing up their final exam period. Many of the players returned to Cambridge from Princeton last weekend just in time for the first week of testing only to depart for Athens on Wednesday.

"We are sort of keeping our fingers crossed because of the fatigue levels of the guys coming out of exams," Fish said. "In a perfect world this wouldn't happen. And by playing here, if you were a betting person making a friendly wager, the conditions would definitely favor Georgia."

"Coach has stressed how substantial the crowd will be and how much they appreciate their tennis down here," Doran added. "We just need to concentrate on taking on the opponents rather than taking on the crowd. If we don't get involved with them, then they won't intimidate us."

The first match begins at 2 p.m. this afternoon.


The only question remaining for Fish and his team is whether Tom Blake will be taking in the action from the bench or the court.

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