
THE 7 BEST Web Sites @ Harvard

What's Right

This site features wonderful graphics and a great user interface. Navigation is easy and fun. There is humor and music, and the page isn't too long or wide, which makes it Web browser-friendly and allows for quick loading.

What's Wrong

There appears to be a lack of focus in the site itself. Though having really great design is important, you have to have something important to say as well, and it should be easy to discern what this important thing is.

So, if you've been contemplating the creation of your very own Web site but didn't know how to begin or what it should look like, just take a look at these examples and get yourself going.


"The best ways to come up with a good Web page is to think about what you want and your target audience. Look at a lot of pages on the Web and see what you like," Alpert said.

"Then try to make a lot of different pages and experiment with different characteristics and try putting things together in different ways. It isn't that hard."

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