
Student Groups Ask: Can You Spare a Dime?

New Ways to Make Money

Both Epps, student group leaders and thecouncil are working to devise new ways ofproviding student groups with greater funds.

Epps suggests raising the termbill fees to $25to provide the council with more money to spend onstudent groups.

But Stewart says the council is not seriouslyconsidering this proposal and would prefer to tryother methods first.

"We will explore every other way possible," shesays.


Stewart says the council is looking intocreating an endowment and using the interest itwould generate to fund annual student groupexpenses. Almost all student groups are lookingfor alumni donations.

"I'd be more than happy to participate in anyeffort to get the University to give moreopportunities to student groups," Osofsky says.CrimsonRonald Y. Koo

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