
BGLTSA Vice Chair Impeached By Board

Board members objected to the results of theelection on several grounds.

First, members objected to Campbell's decisionto inform the BGLTSA membership of the electionresults before he informed the board itself.

Additionally, members felt that next year'sboard would not be diverse enough.

BGLTSA's constitution states that the board'scomposition should represent the diversity of theorganization.

Still, Summer admits, "[Diversity is] anebulous term."


At Sunday night's meeting, members questionedCampbell about the lack of gender and ethnicdiversity among the candidates.

Although "of course" he shared their concerns,Campbell said he "was not going to set aside theelection just because of the racial make-up."

Campbell said the board unfairly blamed him forthe election results.

"I don't think I can be held responsible for anapathy that pervades this community," he said.

Board members dispute Campbell's interpretationof the election results.

"For one thing, as a female member of theBGLTSA, I don't think that the women areapathetic," Summer said. "I think that they don'tfeel represented enough in our organization."

Campbell further alleges the board'sinclination to invalidate the election resultsviolates the spirit of the BGLTSA constitution.

"In a democracy, you cannot throw out anelection, even though technically it's possiblefor the board to vote to amend the constitution[to do so]," Campbell said. "I think it'spolitically unconscionable."

Summer said Campbell's reaction "was a typicalexample of how [he] did not work with the board."

Sulmers declined to comment on whether anyboard action to nullify the election results wouldbe constitutional.

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