
Susan Feagin Leaves Capital Campaign Drive

Development officer heads to Michigan

"We have an excellent team in place for thelast lap," he said.

According to Mason, the situation is not dire.

"The campaign is clearly going to go over thetop," he said.

Various officials within the development officesaid that the management structure within theoffice is "team-oriented" and therefore flexibleenough to allow Feagin to leave.

Administration officials excused the timing ofFeagin's career move, calling the opportunity forpromotion at the University of Michigan animportant one.


"These things are always a surprise, Reardonsaid. "One doesn't always have flexibility tochoose timing in an ideal way."

He added that Feagin had not been looking for ajob.

Mason said departures such as Feagin's were notunusual.

"It's not uncommon in big institutions near theend of a successful campaign for otherinstitutions to try and get important people fromthat campaign, Mason said.

Feagin said she is leaving to realize what shetermed "a remarkable opportunity" with theUniversity of Michigan, citing the enthusiasmgenerated by new Michigan President Lee C.Bollinger.

"Lee Bollinger has brought a new vision andexcitement to the university," she said.

She added that her move from director ofdevelopment to vice president was an attractivepromotion.

"It's a step up from the number two spot to thenumber one spot--I'll get to work directly withpresident's staff," she explained.

Feagin said she expects the capital campaignwill be able to continue effectively without her.

"The development staff is very strong and verydeep," she said. "They will see the campaignthrough to a very successful completion.

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