
Chinese Students Celebrate New Year

12-course buffet attracts over 300 students

"The atmosphere was very festive, as it should be for Chinese New Year," she said.

Chung and Lin led their own audience participation game called "Super Sunday," a physical version of the game "telephone" where participants passed on a charade.

"The third clue was 'primal scream,'" Eng said. "There were a lot of interesting responses to that one."

The evening also served as a farewell tooutgoing officers of HRCSA and as a welcome to thenew officers.

The winner of the Officer of the Year Award wasTony Yung '00, incoming vice president of HRCSA.This is the first year the award has been given,and it is part of an over-reaching plan for changein HRCSA headed by Chung and Lin.

Chung and Lin are beginning an unprecedentedsecond year as co-presidents of HRCSA. They saythey have taken HRCSA in a new direction since thebeginning of their term last year.


"We're moving from just a social, culturalorganization to include a political side so thatwe can truly educate the entire Harvard communityabout the issues that affect Chinese-Americans,"Chung said.

HRCSA has become more involved in supportingstudents as they deal with issues includingminority myths, the portrayal of Asians in themedia and Asians in business, according to Lin.

"The theme of the whole evening CSAhas changed and how it will continue to change,"Chung said

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