
Adams Residents Create AIDS Awareness Sculpture

Adams House students Jessamyn A. S. Conrad '00,Sarah M. Hulsey '01, Susannah L. Hollister '01,Nilizandre Elizabeth M. Gilbert '99, Meeghan H.Piemonte '99, Layton and Johnson assisted Echelmanin the creation of the sculpture.

Echelman described the students as very helpfulto the creative process and said they wereinvolved at every level.

"Collaboration with the students was veryimportant," she said.

The students who worked on the sculpture saidthey were excited about the exhibit and pleased bytheir collaboration with Echelman.

"She likes to involve the students in herartwork," Johnson said.


Echelman started building sculptures similar to"Inside-Outside" a few years ago while on aFulbright Senior Lectureship in India. Shedescribed the tour as the turning point in hercareer as an artist.

"The previously solid sculpture became thesealighted, diaphanous, netted, hollow forms,"Echelman said. "I wake up after dreams and I havethe shapes [of the sculptures] in my mind."

The sculpture is part of the Adams House StudioArt Program and was sponsored by the HarvardUniversity Art Museums, the Harvard-RadcliffeOffice for the Arts and Adams House.Mathew P. MillerCrimsonINTERACTIVE SCULPTURE: JANET ECHELMANstands at the foot of "Inside-Outside," which ison display at the Fogg Museum.
