


OW: Definitely. Over the years, I met with a number of directors and I always left the interviews with a lukewarm, half-hearted feeling. I was beginning to think that I needed to hire a foreign director because they seemed like the ones most capable of capturing the subtleties and intricacies of the book. But when I met with Jonathan, my reaction was a resounding "YES!" He was so enthusiastic, one of the most exuberant people I've ever met, and I realized that the director simply needed to share my vision and my passion for the book.

Q: What is your insight into the character of Sethe?

OW: She is a woman who's seen and experienced everything. She has endured so much hardship that very little, if anything, will rattle her. When she firsts meets Beloved, she isn't fazed at all by her odd demeanor or her creepy voice. If it were me personally, I would have said, "Get the hell out of my house!" But the real pain ofbeing a slave woman was leaving for the fieldseach day, and working hard, and not knowing ifyour children were going to be there when you gotback. That was the real hardship. True freedom isthe ability to wake up each morning and decidewhat you want to do with the day.

Q: Did you ever consider playing theyoung Sethe?

OW: [laughing] Yeah, right. Actually,the producers approached me on the set and askedme if I wanted to play young Sethe and I asked howold she was supposed to be. When they told me 16 Isaid "There isn't enough gauze in all ofHollywood. You'd have to put the camera inCleveland to pull that off!"

Q: What do you think, at its heart,Beloved is really about?


OW: I don't think it's really aboutslavery or even about color. The legacy of slaveryis an intrinsic part of the story butBeloved is not the grand saga ofreconstruction that many people may be expecting.It's about reconstruction on the personallevel--learning to trust and to love again andopening your heart to others. Fundamentally, it isa story about the relationship between mother anddaughter. And I believe Denver is the lifeforce ofthe film. She is the future, where-as Beloved isthe past.

Q: How many times have you readBeloved?

OW: I'd say about twelve times.

Q: What was it like to finally watch thefinished film, which was a 10-year labor of lovefor you?

OW: It was emotionally overwhelming.When I watched it for the first time, I seriouslyfelt like I needed a lobotomy, because I wassobbing through the entire thing. I can control myemotions better now but there are still certainparts that make me lose control. That scene whereDenver has to go into town by herself becauseSethe is sick and she peeks her head out of thegate? That one always gets me.

Q: What do you want viewers to take awayfrom the movie?

OW: I want them to be knocked out theway I was when I first read the book. I want themto leave the theater not knowing what to think orhow to feel. When I recommend books or makemovies, I choose stories that I've responded to,stories that opened my heart. I truly believe thatart is that which takes your breath away and givesyou more breath. Beloved made me see myselfin a completely different way. I hope others willhave that same feeling.SEEING THE LIGHT: Beloved inBoston.

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