
New HSA Board Faces A Year of Challenges

Fiscal year 2000 is `pivotal' for agency

"I think it's vital that the contract negotiation team has a say on the board and that the board have a say on the contract negotiations," she said.

Let's Go is the largest financial supporter of HSA, and as one of the candidates pointed out, the one which subsidizes many of the non-solvent agencies.

The new board members are representative of many of the agencies within HSA. Hansen has been the assistant manager of HSA Cleaners since March of this year, Stone was associate editor of Let's Go USA this summer, and Vega is the assistant manager of Harvard Student Resources.

Murphy has served as manager of Harvard Student Resources and the Harvard Bartending course, facilitated the merger of Harvard Student Resources and the Personnel Department of Harvard Catering.

The elections at HSA are not over. Three of the candidates, Hansen, Murphy and Mitchell are also running for board president. The election will take place on October 22.


Turco will train the new president of the board until her term ends next January 31.

The Board of Directors of HSA consists of seven University officials, seven alumni--typically Boston businesspeople--and 10 undergraduates.

Any undergraduate who has earned $100 or more from HSA is qualified to run for the board.

HSA employs 1,200 students and grossed $4.7 million last year.

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