
The Missing Links

There are six departments that do not have Web pages: Afro-American Studies; Comparative Literature; History; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; Celtic Languages and Literature; and Sanskrit and Indian Studies.

There are also four undergraduate concentrations which have no Web pages: Environmental Science and Public Policy (ESPP); Literature; Physical Science; and Special Concentrations.

According to McIsaac, some humanities departments do not have Web sites because they may not have the computer expertise needed to post a page.

But most of the concentrations say that time and motivation are the primary reasons why they have no page.

In the history concentration, which oversees more than 200 students each year, administrators say that lack of time is the principal culprit in their lack of a page.


"We haven't had enough time to devote enough staff to this exclusively," says an administrator at the History office who asked to remain anonymous.

The administrator adds that the concentration is currently working on creating a page.

"It's almost complete, we've just had to free up a couple of staff members to work on it," says the administrator.

Maggie S. Stanley, a new staff assistant at the Near Eastern Languages and Civilization Department, says she did not know exactly why a Web page has not yet been a priority in her department, but says that it plans to create a page soon.

"There really isn't any significant reason why they haven't had one so far except that they've been behind everyone," Stanley says.

Peter T. Glashaw, a senior officer at the Department of Afro-American Studies, says that the department's original location at 1430 Mass. Ave. was not wired to access the Internet.

Now that it is in the Barker Center for the Humanities, Afro-American Studies hopes to unveil one within 30 days, Glashaw says.

Other departments contacted-ESPP and Literature-say they are also looking to spin themselves on the Web quite soon.

The only department contacted which says it has no intention of making a Web page is Physical Sciences because it is being phased out, said an administrator at the department.

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