
M. Lax Blasts Yale

Along with his brother, Lou "Wheels" Bevilacqua, the duo gave the frozen fans something to cheer for with their razzle-dazzle offensive skills and burn-rubber speed.

Harvard led 7-2 at the half, and there was never any threat that the team was going to suffer a monumental collapse. The shot statistics alone should give you some idea of who was in control of this game: Harvard 41, Yale 16.

With the offense clicking, the other story of the game was the defense, led by Lyng. The short and long-sticks played a ruthless in-your-face pressure defense, packing in the middle like a can of sardines.

The defense made it quite clear that no one was going to come into its territory without suffering the consequences. Punishments included bonecrushing body checks and lethal stick pokes. Anytime an opposing team scores only five goals in a college lacrosse game, you know the defense is doing its job.

Lyng recorded 12 saves, which is not exactly an eye-popping number, but this does not reflect some of the critical saves he made, nor the fact that he looked very solid overall in net. It was only one year ago that Lyng began suffering serious digestive pains that threatened to end the valuable goalie's season.


"Rob Lyng is playing real well," Chupaila said.

Lyng the "Brick Wall," as he is known by the fans, is back.

Let's hope the whole team is back on track too.

Only then is there a sliver of hope of it making the 1997 NCAA's. Yale  5 Harvard  13

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