
Summa Degrees Will Include Elective Grades

Faculty Alter Criteria for Current Seniors

Saying Harvard pays its junior faculty far below market rate and does not make enough offers of tenure, they voiced distress that many talented junior faculty turn down offers from Harvard or leave the University as a result.

Alyssa A. Goodman, assistant professor of astronomy, said junior faculty in her department are treated like second-class citizens.

She added that Harvard should make more offers of tenure because junior faculty want to teach at a place where they have a chance of staying in the long run.

Mary M. Gaylord, chair of the department of Romance languages and literatures, said some junior faculty in her department must teach summer and extension school classes--giving up research time--to supplement their incomes.

Skocpol termed the title of associate professor at Harvard "a lameduck status," explaining the position is tenured at other universities, but not here.


Susan G. Pedersen, professor of history, said she favors the report's suggestion that the University provide a term of paid leave to some junior faculty who are promoted from assistant to associate professor.

"It was crucial to my development in the department that I was able to take two full years of leave," she said.

The Faculty also debated whether or not junior faculty salaries should be increased more in fields where the rate of pay is significantly below the market.

William H. Bossert, Arnold professor of science, disagreed with the report's recommendation to raise salaries differentially.

He said implementing such a policy would cause the Faculty to value some fields above others and instead proposed raising the salaries of junior faculty across the board by $5,000 to $10,000
