
Footballing Around the Globe, American Style

Roadkill Redux

* ( "Soccer on US TV." You want to watch it on television? Oliver Tse's web page will have the time and channel for you--including listings for satellite transmissions in all sorts of goofy languages.

* ( "When Saturday Comes." An online version of a British magazine known for representing the fan's voice in the game...and for being extremely funny. Takes some getting used to.

Channels/Places to Watch

* Univison/WUNI (Worcester). Home of Andreas (iGOOOOOOL!) Cantor and a significant variety of matches from Latin America. Check for Sunday's Mexican Game of the Week.

* RTPi--Radio Televiso Portugal internacional. Channel 69 on your local Cablevision matches pop up from time to time between stylish clubs like Benfica, Porto and Sporting Lisbon, broadcast in the lovely Portugese language (a kind of cross between Spanish and Russian).


* The Plough and Stars Pub. A quick (10 minutes from the Square) walk to 912 Massachusetts Avenue brings you Saturday and Sunday afternoon coverage of the English Premiership in a friendly atmosphere. The pub is Irish (and the Guinness half-decent), but expect lots of English expats cheering their favorite clubs from Arsenal to Liverpool.
