
Late-Inning Magic Lifts Baseball Past BC

With the score tied, Harvard went in for the kill. After a double by sophomore Brett Vankoski and an intentional walk to Doble, sophomore Aaron Kessler successfully bunted and loaded the bases.

Woodfork then came to the rescue and, after standing through one wild pitch, Harvard won 8-7.

"I was really happy that my pitching staff was aggressive today," said Walsh, continuing "they really were focusing in and coming after the hitters."

Vankoski also stressed the importance of the number of pitchers contributing to the day's win.

"I'm impressed with the amount of good pitching the guys did throughout the game, every one of the guys," said Vankoski. "These guys came out and did an outstanding job."


Following the game, Forst said, "all you can ask for in the last week of the season is to control your own destiny."

Yesterday's win proves Harvard is doing just that. BC  7 Harvard  8

HARVARD, 8-7 at Soldier's Field           R  H  E BC  000  110  113  --  7  12  1 Harvard  010  201  211  --  8  14  0

HR: BC--Olson, S. Curtin; Harvard--None. 3B: None. 2B: BC--Bingham, Sankey; Harvard--Albers, Vankoski, Doble, Forst. E: BC--Waldron; Harvard--None.

WP: Schafer; LP: Wainwright

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