
April Fool's Day Inspires Students to Silliness

But then, overwhelmed by ambition, he crept into the sleeping Menon's room a second time to set it even farther ahead.

But according to Boas, Menon had been awake the whole time.

Dodging the stodgy stereotype of Harvard professors, some faculty members also participated in the day's pranks.

Many students were not amused when their professors celebrated April Fool's Day by announcing ghastly assignments, springing pop quizzes and moving up due dates for take-home exams.

Daryn H. David '99 was grim when her Expository Writing 11: "Tragic Justice" preceptor told her class to write a Greek trilogy over spring break.


The epics are thousands of pages long.

Luckily, the assignment turned out to be an early April Fool's Day joke, as David's preceptor informed the class five minutes later

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