
Beavis, Butthead AND Cohen

For Etan J. Cohen '97, life doesn't "suck." The Dunster House resident is a writer for MTV's "Beavis and Butthead."

Cohen's brother Rami, 16, says the entire family is proud of Etan and that his friends were impressed when they heard his brother writes for "Beavis and Butthead."

"I was excited and shocked when I first heard that [my older brother] was writing for the show," Rami says.

Cohen says he plans to continue writing for "Beavis and Butthead" and is amazed that his writing actually goes on the air.

"I still can't get over how it's possible that so many people could be seeing something I wrote," Cohen says. "I'll continue writing for as long as I can from wherever I can."

And, according to Brown, he will be welcome at "Beavis and Butthead."


"I like working with Etan a lot," Brown says. "He can write for us as long as I'm the [head writer]."

Cohen's roommates have also been supportive of his efforts. Ari K. Tuchman '97, who has been Cohen's roommate in Dunster House since last year, says he used to read Cohen's plots before the writer would send them to MTV.

Cohen plans to continue writing while at Harvard and beyond. This past fall he hired an agent, and says he has started receiving calls from other agents interested in his work.

Ideally, Cohen says he would like to write for "The Simpsons," his favorite show for six years and the cartoon he says has the best writers.

Cohen's voice will be featured in an episode of "Beavis and Butthead" this summer called "A Great Day."

According to Brown, "Etan is the weasely guy who gets beat up by Todd."

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