
Forbes' Win Broadens GOP Race

After Delaware Win, Millionaire is Now Viable Party Candidate

Dickerson said Alexander "is finished." He added that, while the former governor expects success in the South, he is running fourth in many preliminary polls in the region.

On the other hand, there is still plenty of momentum for Buchanan, whose active faction of supporters have donated large sums of campaign funding and plan to keep him in the race for the long haul.

The commentator's populist, antitrade campaign helped him finish third in Arizona and North Dakota, and second in South Dakota.

"Buchanan has no chance whatsoever of being nominated," said Edwards, despite the candidate's recent success and his upset win in New Hampshire.

While the Republicans squabble, Clinton--running unopposed for the Democratic nomination--is saving his energy for after the summer conventions, analysts said.


However, many recall the disunity among the Democrats during the 1992 primary season, after which Clinton was able to defeat incumbent President George Bush.

"[Clinton] can have an extra Coke, but shouldn't be breaking out the champagne," said Ceaser. "When everyone is attacking each other, the opposition always looks worse.
