
Bolotin Says He's Just an Average Guy

The Undergraduates Council

They're the normal ones.

If the presidential Candidate Eli W. Bolotin '98 were to come up with any image to differentiate himself and his running mate Ethan M.Russel'98 from other candidates that would be it : Two Normal guys who don't want to be controversial and don't want to play politics.

"You read all about the politicking and the backbiting and it just gets frustrating," says Bolotin, who does not have any council experience.

Because of that Bolotin wants to avoid that controversial issues that have come up with the council such as funding for the reserve officers Training Corps and legislation concerning Social responsibility.

"Basically, We're Fairly issueless" he says.


Bolotin says he hopes that his campaign will convince the council to lighten up and stop the Politics.

We're just Normal, every day Kind of guys trying to get the message out that the council can do good, it can be fun," he says.

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