
Student Advising Committee Named

Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 this week announced the membership of the newly-formed standing committee on advising and counseling.

The student-faculty committee will discuss how the College responds to both academic and non-academic concerns.

The three student members are Courtney E. Cannon '97 of Kirkland House, Mary E. Ford '96-'97 of Dunster House and Robert B. Wolinsky '97 of Cabot House.

Senior faculty members include two current House Masters and one former master: Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences John E. Dowling of Leverett House, Gray Professor of Symbiotic Botany Donald A. Pfister of Kirkland House and Bell Professor of Economics Jeffrey G. Williamson, the former master of Mather House. Stephen M. Kosslyn, professor of psychology and the department's head tutor, will also serve on the committee.

Louise M. Richardson, associate professor of government and director of undergraduate studies in government, will also serve.


Administrative members include Rory A. W. Browne, the senior tutor in Quincy House; Thomas A. Dingman '67, associate dean of the college for human resources and the house system; Deborah Foster, assistant dean for undergraduate education; Michaele Whalen, assistant director of undergraduate studies in English and American literature; and William Wright-Swadel, director of the Office of Career Services.

Lewis will serve as the committee's chair.

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