
Student Robbed Through Screen In Wigglesworth

According to the victim, Assistant Dean of Freshman David B. Fithian also called him yesterday to offer support. The student met with his proctor last night.

"I'm still a little in shock," he said, but added that he went on with his normal schedule yesterday.

Following Leads

Harvard University police last night said they have some leads in the case and are taking it very seriously.

According to Chief Francis D. "Bud" Riley, Harvard University police are also working with the Cambridge police on the case.


Riley said the officer in charge of the case is working with the Freshman Dean's Office to inform students, faculty and staff of the incident. They also plan to develop a safety awareness program for campus.

The victim and Riley agree that undergraduates should take precautions against robberies.

"The fact that the shades were open might have made it easier for this to happen," the victim said, adding that he will keep them down after dusk from now on.

In addition, the victim said students should always keep the latches on their windows locked so that the windows cannot be opened wide enough for someone to fit through.

"The latches kept [the suspects] out," he said. "They tried to open the window."

"I view 4:30 in the morning as an unusual hour for somebody to be banging on the window," Riley added. "That should be a signal to call the police and have someone check on what [the person outside the window is] doing.

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