
M., W. Fencers Skewer Away

Women Go Undefeated; Van Leeuwen Leads Swordsmen

Van Leeuwen was also awarded First Team All Ivy League honors. Joining Van Leeuwen as All Ivy was Paul Baez, who was named to the second team.

In addition to being named All-Ivy, Van Leeuwen won the Most Outstanding Fencer Award, an Honor given to the best fencer in the nation. Van Leeuwen also won that award his freshman year.

Ironically, Van Leeuwen finished first in the NCAAs last year but did not win the award again. Despite his decline to No. 6 this year, Van Leeuwen was only slightly disappointed.

"Personally, the season was kind of a disappointment," Van Leeuwen said. "But I am pleased with the consistency that I ended my career with. I think that I have had a successful four years and can be pleased with my career here at Harvard."

This year was the first year that the Crimson did not compete as a team in the NCAAs, so the squad did not receive a team ranking.


Captain Peter Tang was not too disappointed with the season, given the circumstances that Harvard student-athletes have to deal with.

"I think it was a pretty good season," Tang said. "Especially considering that at Harvard we have to really balance our fencing with our academics."

Van Leeuwen agreed.

"As a team, we had a modest season," he said. "But we did have a young team, and that is to be expected. Hopefully the team can build on this for next year."
