
Sanskrit Dept. in Disarray, Students, Officials Say

"That's one of the problems with this lawsuit,"Homans said.

After the lawsuit was filed, Wolff toldGarzilli to surrender her Harvard identificationand keys, according to Homans.

Garzilli said Monday that she has not turnedher Harvard identification in, as Wolff told hershe could work in Pusey Library and she needs herID card to enter the library.

Garzilli said that she does not know what shewill do in the future. She said she has beenoffered a temporary professorship in Italy, butthat it does not pay enough to live on.

She said that she is filing her suit in searchof justice and academic reform.


When asked why many graduate students appear tohold her in little regard, Garzilli said it isbecause she is "a woman and a foreigner."

"I was one of the first feminists in mycountry," Garzilli said.

She said that Eck and Benson dislike Witzelbecause he is also a foreigner.

"It is cultural bashing," she said.

She said she has never yelled at graduatestudents, as some have alleged, and that in factthe reverse is true--graduate students, includingWallis, have yelled at her.

Wallis said he had never yelled at Garzilli.

When asked why she has not included graduatestudents in her suit, she said that she would notsue a graduate student.

"They are poor," she said.

Asked what she thought about Witzel's threat tosue LeVine, Garzilli said that the oppositesituation was the truth--that Witzel had neverthreatened to sue LeVine, and that LeVine had infact threatened to sue Witzel, a charge thatLeVine denied.

In a January 24 letter to LeVine, Witzel'slawyer, James Pollock, writes that the Decemberminutes "bring disrepute upon the name, reputationand standing of Professor Witzel both as a teacherand as an administrator. Accordingly, they fallinto the category of libel....The possibility ofmalice on your part is not to be ruled out giventhe unnecessarily hostile, unprofessional andnon-collegial demeanor you have shown in any faceto face dealings with Professor Witzel and thefact that your minutes omitted material presentedat the meeting, the inclusion of which would havelent balance to the record."
