
Home for the Holidays

Students Decorate Their Rooms For the Holidays

"When Kurt came back after Thanksgiving with the tree, everyone got excited," says Sharon A. Lee '99. "No one cared that it was a Christmas thing. It is really the holiday spirit that counts," she says.

More unusual decorations are hung in the infamous Currier House ten-man suite where the decorations are home-made from common household items such as empty beer cans and underwear.

"Decorations bring cheer to an otherwise dreary life at Harvard," says Chip W. Hellar '96.

His roommate, Paul D. Cabana '96 adds, "God bless us, everyone."

Of course, there are rooms which have the more traditional religious decorations on display.


A rooming group in Wigglesworth H-entry has a miniature version of the Christmas home setting, complete with mini-tree and stockings hung over the chimney for the arrival of St. Nick.

"We decorated because we care," says Shan Mishra '99.

"Actually we were kind of disappointed with the decorations in Cambridge, so it was nice to have our own to come home to," he says.

In Quincy, Alden M. Mitchell '98 put up tinsel and lights to help alleviate an overburdened work load.

"I was depressed with how much work I had to do and so I thought some tinsel and lights would make me feel better," she says.

A rooming group in DeWolfe attempted a larger endeavor with all the trimmings complete including tree, decorations and menorah.

"I really like having our room decorated because it makes everything more homey," says Stacey L. Gordon '98.

"I really love the holidays," adds roommate Lisa A. Halliday '98.

"I especially like having different religions in our room, it makes celebrating the holidays even nicer," Gordon says.

An Eliot House blocking group of eleven people went to great lengths to decorate their room with lights, stockings and dradles.

"The decorations really make us all hang out in the common room," says Christine A. Murtha '96.

This year's decorations are nothing new to Murtha's blocking group.

"We always have decorated our room because it just makes the holidays more festive and cheery," she says.
