
W. Swimming Dismantles Yale Squad

But upperclassmen were not the only contributors for the Crimson. The freshmen turned in an exceptional performance, winning four events against the Eli. Stephanie Lawrence, Keiko Iwahara, Mary Naber, Laura Jacobson took the 100 back, 50 free, 100 fly and the 3-meter diving competition, respectively.

Before last night's competition, Harvard, Yale and Princeton (each 3-0) were in a three-way lock for first place in the Ivy League.

With Ivy League wins over Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth and Yale, the Crimson are preparing for its final league duels against Princeton and Penn. The Eastern Championships are at the end of February.

And although the Crimson's primary focus is on the Eastern Championships, the swimmers would love to beat Princeton.

"Princeton is our toughest team to swim against," Kory said. "We are putting our main focus on Easterns. We always believe that we can win going in because anything can happen when you have a strong team."


With the momentum that it gained from The Meet, the Crimson has a chance to finish the season atop the Ivy League and Eastern Region.

"This meet proved that we can win the Eastern Championships," Miller said." Yale  109 Harvard  191

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