
Joe Kennedy Attacks on Haiti, Criticized by Leftists

Democrat Arrested for protest of Clinton's Haitian Policy, Blasted for Joining Right on Education Bill

"These are positions that I have takenthroughout my career," Kennedy said.

But Kennedy acknowledged yesterday that becauseof his family name he is unfairly expected to votea particular way.

"There is this image with how a Kennedy issupposed to vote," Kennedy said.

Kennedy said that while his father, the lateRobert F. Kennedy '48, is perceived as theconsummate liberal, he had some very conservativeviews.

"People think that [my father] was a tremendousliberal, but he was tough on crime and wantedwelfare reform," Kennedy said. "People tend toforget that aspect of him."


Kennedy said the Helms amendment to the act wasperfectly in-line with the Constitution and thuswas acceptable.

"If the Constitution guarantees school prayerand if the Supreme Court says you do have theright, then it was a perfectly reasonableamendment and so why not vote for it?" Kennedyasked.

The representative also said his vote toprohibit the use of federal funding to encouragehomosexuality as a positive lifestyle was not ananti-gay vote.

Kennedy said schools should not promote-eitherhomosexuality or heterosexuality.

"My support of the amendment does not, in fact,prevent guidance counselors from referring astudent to a counseling group that affirmshomosexuality," Kennedy wrote in a May 10 letterto Cambridge City Councillor, Kathleen Leahy Born."It means that federal funds cannot be used to do[it]."

Kennedy said his vote to promote abstinence asthe "only 100 percent effective protection againstunwanted disease and pregnancy" was basedprimarily on medical knowledge.

"Every AIDS brochure I've ever read says thatonly way to 100 percent stop [the disease'sspread] is abstinence," Kennedy said.

While some have said that Kennedy's recentvotes show he is becoming more moderate, theDemocrat's aides maintain he still a liberal whovotes his conscience.

"Just because someone is considered aconservative does not mean I am going to voteagainst them," Kennedy said
