
U.C. to Consider 50 Percent Hike In Student Fees

Charge Would Increase From $20 to $30

In other business at the joint meeting,committee members considered new summer storageproposals for students.

Quincy House Master Michael Shinagel proposedthat each student be allowed up to 12 cubic feetfor storage during the summer. But students wholive within 100 miles of the College would not bepermitted to store over the summer.

The storage guidelines are being reformed tosatisfy "superintendents who would like toeliminate storage and students who would like toincrease storage," Shinagel said.

A proposal before the committee also asked thatthe amount of latenight study space be expanded.Adams, Dudley, Dunster and Leverett Houses have nostudy space available from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.Undergraduate Council members in attendance said.

The proposal also requested a further expansionof Cabot Library's hours. It also suggested thatprovisions be made for late-night transportationto the library.


In a pitch for the proposal, some committeemembers labeled last semester's expansion of theCabot Library hours a success.

In an attempt to satisfy increasing demand forlate-night study time, Cabot Library extended itshours during reading period to 3 a.m. lastsemester.

According to yesterday's proposal, an averageof 15 students used the library between the hoursof 12:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. during "peak time"-thesecond week of reading period.

Students and administrators who attendedyesterday's meeting noted that library use mighthave been even greater if the extended hours hadbeen advertised
