
Harvard to End Season at Brown, Yale


Two more games, and this season will be history.

However, the Harvard men's basketball team isn't quite ready to hand things over to the media-guide historians.

The team is not playing for an NCAA tournament berth--or any berth at all, for that matter--but this weekend's games at Brown (11-13 Overall, 5-7 Ivy) and Yale (8-16, 5-7) offer Harvard (9-15, 5-7) a chance at third place in the Ancient Eight.

Third place? Well, for a program that hasn't won the League title in the twentieth century, it's no small matter.

"We've been working hard all year, and hopefully this weekend we'll reap the fruits of that," said outgoing captain Tarik Campbell.


Bearish Feelings on Brown

The Crimson will step onto the court on Friday against a talented Brown team that was routed last weekend by Penn and Princeton.

Will the Bears' mini-losing streak continue? Junior Jared Leake thinks so.

"We showed that we could guard them in the first game, and I think we'll approach it the same way this time," he said. "We contained their guards [Alan Cole and Eric Blackiston, the Bears' two best players] pretty well. We'll just put out the effort again on defense."

Campbell echoed the need for defense, adding that the Crimson will have to dictate the tempo to repeat its win of three weeks ago.

"Brown is one of those teams that, if they get on the run, they can be tough to stop," he said. "We just have to go out and play our game and execute."

Saving the Ugliest for Last

Harvard will play at Yale next, on Saturday, and the game plan is more of the same--defense, effort, and execution.

Yale also dropped its games against Penn and Princeton last weekend, and like Brown and Dartmouth, is jostling with Harvard for position in the middle of the League standings.

The Elis are led by the senior backcourt of Damon Franklin and Josh Jennings and have received significant contributions in recent weeks from freshman Dan Okwonko.
