
Green Names Panel To Investigate Tests

Experts to Probe Radiation Experiments

Emanuel said the committee will have its firstmeeting on February 18.

"We'll be getting our marching orders at thefirst meeting," she said.

Emanuel said she was approached to serve onthe panel in a letter from Green. Serving on thepanel "is a very important part of being a memberof the Medical School," she said.

"Once the data is there, my job will be tobring an ethical, analytic perspective to it,"Emanuel said.

The committee's other members are MedicalSchool Dean for Academic Programs James Adelstein,Kass Professor of the History of Medicine AllanBrandt, professor of Law Martha A. Field,Associate Professor of Radiology Frank P.Castronovo, Associate Professor of Psychiatry CarlSalzman and Professor of Physics Robert V. Pound.


Green said the committee was chosen in a "veryelaborate process."

"We consulted very widely," he said.

He said working groups will continue to reviewdocuments regarding the experiments withradiation.

"We have two working groups that will actuallydeal with the archival material...The committeewill evaluate it," Green said.

The panel will likely look closely at the workof Benda, who has been the focus of Benda, who hasbeen the focus of University attention because ofhis link to Harvard.

Twenty-seven boxes of Benda's papers arecurrently stored at the Medical School library.

In the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, Harvard hadextraordinarily close ties to Fernald, whereMedical School and School of Public Healthstudents and professors held lectures, workshopsand demonstrations, according to 1959 reportdisclosed in The Crimson Wednesday.

The report, which discusses the details ofcooperative training programs between universitiesand residential facilities for the mentally ill,showed that Harvard used Fernald for much morethan just one experiment by an affiliatedphysician.

Scores of students attended annual trips to theschool, according to the report, which namesseveral former Medical School professors asParticipants and sponsors of a lecture series atFernald.

Wendy M. Seltzer contributed to thereporting of this story.
