
Few Students Collect Coop Textbook Rebate

Undergrads Call Publicity Inadequate

"I heard something about it," said Jay L. Abramovitz '97. "A friend of mine was on his way to get the rebate."

The flyer passed out by the Coop said the rebate was to "make sure students will still get a special benefit" in a year when the store, for the first time, offered no membership rebate.

The flyer also mentioned the like lihood that a rebate would not be offered this year.

But Murphy said the textbook rebate would not take the place of the end of year rebate. "This [the textbook rebate] is really a refund," he said.

"This is not in place of the rebate at the end of the year," he said. "This was just a benefit to the students."


Murphy said he did not know if the Coop would offer this type of rebate again.

"It depends on the effect on our bottom line," Murphy said.
