
What's In a Name

Brown Knows

Sure, he played here and there. Kazcher in the Rye came in for one play against Princeton and threw an interception, but the legend of Karzan didn't die.

For starters, the pass was tipped and so the pick wasn't really Kaz's fault, but more importantly, he has still kept the aura of the comeback man from the Colgate game.

Then, just when it looked like there would be no more need for Kaz for the rest of the year, the unthinkable happened.

Ferrara got injured again--this time a torn anterior cruciate ligament, a pretty serious injury. And because of this, the man from Kazamazoo will get the call from Harvard Coach Tim Murphy one more time yet.

Will the Kalzone be the same man that crested Colgate only a month ago? Or will he be Kazper the Friendly Ghost?


I don't really know. Hey, who am I to say that anyway? I'm the one that has got Brown as a last name, remember.

What can you do to that? My last two column names have been "Downtown Eric Brown" and "Brown Knows."

Nothing compared to the Kazifornia Dreamer.

I suppose I could do, "Erik the Brown," but that's a bit too Nordic. "Hash Browns" is a wee bit too cheesy.

Ah well, but there's not too much I can do. Changing my name to Eric Kezirian would confuse a lot of people (not to mention my parents). Besides, I would probably get all his telephone calls, which would be a royal pain.

So I'm still going to Eric F. Brown, and Steve Kezirian is still Steve Kezirian.

Maybe when he comes out onto the field, the band will strike up some "Kazshmir."
