
Polls Give Incumbents Big Leads


Like Murphy, Roosevelt supporters said they are pleased by a more positive showing in the latest Herald poll.

"From the beginning, it has been an uphill battle That hasn't changed," said Dwight D. Robson, director of operations. "In the Herald poll, the governor dropped 13 points, while we gained five points."

Robson said a difference in funding has been a serious disadvantage for the Roosevelt cause.

"The governor has spent a million dollars attacking Mark Roosevelt," Robson said. "Bill Weld has received millions of dollars from every special interest group in the state."

The Roosevelt campaign did pick up $250,000 last week when Vice President Al Gore '69 visited Boston for a Democratic fundraiser, Robson said.


The Roosevelt campaign has been frustrated because despite of Roosevelt's good showing in both debates, Weld's lead in the polls has continued to grow, Robson said.

"We're not going to get demoralized," Robson said. "We wouldn't have started this in the first place if we were going to get easily depressed and demoralized."

In the dosing run, Roosevelt has begun running two ads focusing on his own record, instead of negative publicity about Weld.

"We're running two positive campaign ads that highlight Mark's record and his vision," Robson said.

But the campaign flack said Roosevelt will continue to attack Weld's record with the Massachusetts economy, crime and welfare reform.

"We're going to continue to tell the truth about the Massachusetts economy," Robson said. "We will work to make Massachusetts the opportunity state again.
