
State: No Record Found of Mayor's '92 Tax Returns

Reeves Offers Defense of His Finances

"Sometimes editors will sacrifice quality for the sake of business," said Van Le '89, a second-year law student at Northeastern University and former aide to the mayor.

Councillor William H. Walsh, a political ally of the mayor, said news about Reeves' recent tax history is being blown out of proportion.

"A lot of people don't file them in time or file two or three at a time," said Walsh, who was convicted in May of 41 counts of fraud and conspiracy and is scheduled to be sentenced November 8. "If the federal government wants to enforce the law, they can probably put 25 percent of the state of Massachusetts in jail."

But Dowds, a political opponent of Reeves, said he wants to see more details before coming to a final conclusion. "It looks like Ken has a problem with money," Dowds said.

Le, however, contended that Reeves' support is strong.


"If anything, [the controversy] will help his re-election chances because people are enraged by what is perceived as a media lynching of a good man," the former aide said

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