

Last Bits and Bytes

And tidying up some odds and ends in this last edition of P.C. Corner:

A piece of fan mail I received a while ago deserves to be answered here.

Dear P.C. Corner:

I think one of my pupils is larger than the other. No, not that one, the other one. See? Isn't that weird?

Anyway, do you think computers did this?


--Bewildered in Cabot

Dear Bewildered,

Your pupils are not weird; you are.

This column started just under a year ago as a source of computer information for students at Harvard, more and more of whom have woken up to the computer age. I attempted to make my articles as accessible to the reader as possible, and, from the reactions of readers, that goal seems to have been met most of the time.

I have every wish to go on writing. But my thesis and job hunt in spring will occupy too much of my time to allow me the luxury of writing for The Crimson regularly. Hence this P.C. Corner piece will be the last. However, once my workload becomes tolerable, I will be back to report on computer issues at Harvard.

Haibin Jiu '94, associate photography chair of The Crimson, is writing a senior thesis on Treasury bond futures as well as looking for a job that "will benefit society."
