
House Lottery Results Arrive

In spite of the non-ordered choice selection process designed to encourage diversity within the house populations, some of the common house stereotypes seemed to have been confirmed by the year's results, students said.

Mather House, for instance, seems to be continuing in its tradition as a haven for athletes, most notably football players, lacrosse players and swimmers.

"I've heard of may be 20 or 25 people from the freshman football team getting Mather," said Anthony L. Dewitt '96 a player for the first-year team who was placed in Mather after receiving a number of about 210 "But I liked it because it's a newer dorm, the cafeteria's nice, it has a nice room setup up."

For students pleased with these lottery results, yesterday was a special day. Juliana B. Trivers '96 said she was happy to be in Dunster house.

"Dunster was my first choice," said Trivers, whose 10-person block drew a number in the 230s "It seems mellow and very friendly. People seem interested in good music, which attracted me."


But Trivers said her placement in Dunster was not the most important thing about her assignment.

"I'm so glad we didn't get Quadded," she said, echoing a common refrain

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