
Men's Tennis On a Roll While the Women Struggle to Find Win

Women Lose to Yale, William and Mary on the Road; Men Defeat Brown 7-0, Prepare for Tuesday Bout With Undefeated Green

"We expected to win," said Burroughs, "but we didn't want to take them for granted. I obviously didn't expect [so strong a victory]."

"It's over," said Rueb. "It was a nice day, people got tanned, and now we're playing Dartmouth."


Both men and women's teams are now facing Dartmouth, the men on Tuesday and the women Wednesday.

After an "up" against William and Mary and a "down" against Yale, the women are eager to beat Dartmouth--a top team in the Ivies, according to Granat.


"Beating them would be a good way to end the season," she said.

The men will "try to play aggressively, and not dwell on the fact that they have no losses," Burroughs said.

"We're going to put it in high gear, come on and play like we've done all year, and I think we'll be okay," Rueb said.

'It's over. It was a nice day, people got tanned, and now we're playing Dartmouth.' Andrew Rueb
