
Date Rape Debate Ends, Controversy to Continue

News Analysis

November 16, 1992

The Ad Board rejects the Task Force's definition of date rape and peer dispute subcommittees, in a memo, Jewett called the definition "either impractical or inappropriate as a disciplinary standard." He also says the Ad Board favored a definition which "requires students to respect a partner's 'no.'"

November 18, 1992

The Faculty Council hears testimony from Undergraduate Council and Task Force representatives and appears to support the council's position on the definition. The Faculty Council, however, does not vote on the issue.

February 23, 1993


Jewett presents a new compromise date rape definition, the result of collaboration among Viggiani, her successor Viggiani L. Mackay-Smith '78 and Heinicke, which is "sexual intercourse against the will of the victim." The new definition favors the council's definition and reflects Jewett's desire for a negative criterion for the definition.CrimsonNancy E. Greene
