
Another One Goal Loss for W. Hockey

BC Wins 'Pot Consolation Over Crimson

Harvard junior forward Jo-anne Alissi led numerous fast-breaks, but was denied each time by Solimini who collected an amazing 42 saves in the game.

On offense, BC was paced by Heidi Anderson and Antos, who each tallied two goals.

"They played a good game," Alissi said. "We outshot them, but they had great goaltending."

Fatigue a Factor

One reason for the Crimson's inability to convert, however, may also have been fatigue. The Crimson suited up only 12 players compared to 20 for the Eagles.


"I think we're all a little tired, but I think we had our chances. We just couldn't convert," Alissi said.

Although Harvard knocked off BC easily last week 4-0, tonight the Crimson fell behind early and was forced to play catch-up.

The first period went back and forth until BC's Anderson took a pass from Lucy Tulimeri on the right side and one-timed it into the net's left corner at 6:11.

After an unsuccessful Crimson power play, the Eagles scored again at 13:11 on a rebound goal by Antos, assisted by Tracey Labossiere and Morgen McLaughlin.

The Crimson countered 33 seconds later when freshman Stacy Kellogg slapped in a loose puck from a scramble in front of the net.

The second period was a scoreless struggle in which Harvard held the edge on offense but could not convert.

At 12:29 of the second stanza, sophomore Diana Clark appeared to score, but her shot came after the whistle.

In the third, Anderson scored on a two-on-more shorthanded goal with 11 seconds left in Harvard's power play.

And although Harvard would end up tying the game 3-3, another Crimson comeback was destined to fall short. BOSTON COLLEGE, 4-3 OT at Cowte Forum Harvard  1  0  2  0  --  3 BC  2  0  1  1  --  4

First Period
