
Staying At School for Thanksgiving

Some Harvard Students Happy To Spend Holiday In Cambridge

Duncan said he plans to spend Thanksgiving withhis host family that was arranged by Harvard. Thefamily introduced him to Boston when he firstarrived in September.

Most of the students interviewed expresseddisappointment about staying at Harvard.

"This is always the loneliest time of the yearon campus. The weather is always miserable and noone is around," Horowitz said.

Many students who plan to stay at Harvard arelooking forward to the winter holidays.

"I guess I am a little homesick, but I will begoing home soon enough for Christmas," Duncansaid.


Students who are staying at Harvard can feastoff of the bounty provided by Harvard DinningServices.

The traditional Thursday meal will be repletewith roast turkey with homemade stuffing andgravy, baked sugar cured ham, harvest nut roastwith vegetarian gravy, whipped potatoes, butternutsquash, mashed turnips, garden green peas, freshcranberry sauce, dinner rolls and fresh pumpkin,apple and pecan pies.

The Dunster House dining hall will be servingThanksgiving dinner from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Saturday night, Thanksgiving festivities willend with a traditional Mexican dinner at NorthHouse, featuring a Mariachi band. And Sunday, it'sback to the Harvard grind for everyone

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