
Groups Yet to Be Notified of Grants

Grant Appeals Meeting Set for Tonight

"If you have the money, spend it, and whenyou're in real need, come to us," Gabay said.

While some groups were denied grantsaltogether, other groups may receive hundreds morethan they requested.

The Environmental Reporter requested $100 butthe committee recommended a grant of $900. TheHarvard-Radcliffe Ballet Company requested $300but could get $500.

"There were groups who filed for grants fromseveral sources, and maybe they got 'negged'elsewhere so we took that into consideration whenwe got to those applications," said Gabay, who isalso a member of the finance committee.

SafetyWalk received the largest grantrecommendation--$780 for volunteer training andraincoats, and a $900 loan.


In total, the committee recommendeddistributing $32,511 in grants and $2,400 inloans. The council distributed $41,000 in grantslast year after a lengthy meeting

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