
Council Elects Gabay President

Garza V.P.; Johnson Sec'y; Reyes Treasurer

Johnson beat out first-term member Andrew J.Ehrlich '96.

As he stepped down from his position as councilchair, Beys assessed the council he was leavingbehind.

"When I first started on the council as afreshman, it was the calm before the storm," hesaid. "Now the storm is over."

Beys attributed much of the criticism launchedthroughout his term to his "active" approach toleadership. "As a government we were obligated topush for student interests, even in the mostunwinnable battles," he said.

"That is the legacy we're leaving after thelast few years. But that change in path did notcome without the council experiencing some seriousgrowing pains," Beys added.


Beys surmised that he "took 90 percent of theflak" directed at the council last year. "Peopleneed to realize that positive change requires someagitation," he said.

But Beys ultimately conceded someresponsibility for the council's unscrupulousimage. "I own up to my share in the divisiveness,"he said. "And I hope that these traditions remaincharacteristics of a past council.

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