
Knowles Explains Linguistics Plans to Council

Dean Speaks on Department's Fate; Wolff Discusses Change with Concentrators

"Junior faculty like to do the teaching and theundergraduates like the teaching, so what's theproblem here," said Roach.

The students said they are also concerned aboutwho will fill the two vacancies that will becreated next year when the terms of AssociateProfessors of Linguistics Mark Hale and Jill L.Carrier finish.

Wolff said the vacancies will be filled by asenior visiting professors and a juniorappointment.

The invitations, which have not been consideredyet, will be made after the Advisory Committeereports its recommendation and after thelinguistics curriculum for the next two years isdecided.

"We do not have to make an appointment in sucha way that there are long-term implications,"Wolff said.


Roche said that Wolff has announced the postswill be filled by generative linguists, who comefrom the main branch of modern linguistics. Deanof Undergraduate Education Lawrence Buell said theposts would be filled by professors in otherdepartments, according to Roche.

The Linguistics Department has tried to tenurescholars several times, but the last searchcommittee--which was composed of both linguistsand professors from other departments--wasdissolved in the spring of 1992 because ofinternal disagreement, said Wolff.

"It was a committee of five people with atleast six different opinions, said Wolff

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