
Epps Intervenes In U.C. Election

Dean Steps in After Members Charge Beys, Fine With Conflict of Interest

Fine denied that he ever wanted to be involvedin the election in a letter he sent yesterday toAssistant Dean of Students Sarah Flatley.

"David [Hanselman's] decision not to return toschool officially made me the new Vice President,a position I not only was not elected to, but didnot desire at the time," Fine wrote.

Fine said yesterday that "the Dean of Studentsoffice felt that I was Vice [Chair] by rights,even though they knew I didn't want to do this."

But Epps said that, at the time, "Mr. Fine hadnot disclosed his intention to run for anexecutive position."

Epps added that it was not until yesterdaymorning that he had been made aware of Beys' planto run for re-election.


"Common sense dictates that if you're runningfor a position on the Council, you cannot run thegeneral election," Epps said.

The executive council source said Garza is theonly candidate for either President orVice-President (executive titles under the newconstitution) who has not yet been involved inplanning the election.

In her letter to Epps, Garza claimed that Beystold council member David V. Bonfili '96 Tuesdaynight that he had placed Fine and Gabay in chargeof campus-wide publicity.

She cited Fine in particular for his continualinvolvement in the election process, "in spite ofhis own admission that it is inappropriate."

The anonymous source said that Beys' disregardfor constitutional election standards stems fromhis own personal agenda.

The council executive told The Crimson that ata recent meeting, `Mike said `Well listen, itreally doesn't matter how we publicize thiselection because I'm going to get all of myfriends to run anyway."'

Beys refused to respond to repeated requestsfor comment

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