
Houston Diary

From one man: "You're prettier in real life than you are on TV. You are so beautiful. You're so gentle with people; you're not hard like all the other women."

From one woman: "How's Maury?"

Butt, Seriously

Senator Thad Cochran(R-Miss,) was having a party of his own last night, popping balloons by the score on the convention floor. To do most of his spearing, he used a pocket knife, which he jabbed relentlessly at conventioneers' feet. "You know, a good Mississippian never comes without his knife," he told amused on-lookers.

At one point, Cochran pocked the rear end of a friend standing beside him. "I hit the wrong balloon!" he exclaimed.


Heil Who?

At a meeting of young Republicans before last night's session, RNC officials told students that when they gestured for Bush to have "Four More Years" in office, they should wave side to side, not forward and back as they had been doing. Forward and back, college Republicans were told, looked a little too much like the "Heil Hitler gesture.
