
Cambridge Political Observers See Growing Partisan Friction in City

Other city employees are appointed and fired bythe city manager. But the council can exertinfluence over whom the city manager chooses tohire and dismiss.

And council observers point to a slew of cityemployees whom the CCA majority would like to seefired for political reasons--ranging from officeworkers to City Manager Robert W. Healy himself.

"They planned to fire the whole group," saysBarbara J. Pilgrim, referring to the posts held byIndependent party backers. Pilgrim, a member ofthe Small Property Owners Association--anorganization that is traditionally associated withthe Independent platform of anti-rentcontrol--adds, "And Healy is definitely on theirhit list."

According to Walsh, Healy is only one ofseveral names on the CCA's "hit list." The list,Walsh contends, includes many Healy appointeessuch as Assistant City Manager for CommunityDevelopment Michael H. Rosenberg and CitySolicitor Russell B. Highley.

"I know [Councillor] Jonathan Myers wants Healyto leave," Walsh alleges. "And I know that [theCCA majority] wanted Rosenberg and the citysolicitor to leave as well."


Healy, however, says he feels that there is noreason to believe his job will be in jeopardy whenhis contract expires in 1993, a council electionyear. Having brought the city fiscal health sincehe took over the post in 1983, the pro-developmentcity manager says he has the accomplishmentsbehind him to maintain his post.

"Nobody has indicated to me any effort to makeany change," Healy says.

But Connarton had also said that he was unawareof his firing until Reeves notified him of thespecial City Council meeting the day before thevote was taken.

"Last term, they re-elected all thecouncillors," Russell says. "Now that they've gottheir feet wet, they'll start making changes."

These changes, according to Russell, are theCCA's own brand of patronage politicking. Russellsays that according to a memo she received fromCCA-backed Councillor Francis H. Duehay '55, thetemporary replacement for Administrative Assistantto the City Council Sandra Albano will be aDorchester woman whose only qualification ishaving been a secretary for the private law firmof Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves '72.

Neither Reeves nor Duehay could be reached forcomment.

Giving pink slips to Independent-friendly civilservants is only one maneuver the CCA will use toaccomplish their political agenda, Independentsallege.

Walsh and Russell say there is an active efforton behalf of the liberal political organization tochange the city's from of government.

The two Independent councillors say that theCCA majority will attempt to increase the power ofthe mayor while weakening the position of the citymanager.

Both the CCA their supporters and theirendorsed slate, however, deny that they plan toattempt any such political change.
