
Epps to Direct Undergraduate Race Relations

Dean Will Coordinate Efforts, Retreat

Held said he thinks Epps will be "veryeffective in his new role," lauding theadministrator for his commitment to the issues andfor his accessibility to students.

Although in years past Epps' interaction withBlack students was sometimes rocky, this semesterthe dean won plaudits for his more active effortsin race relations.

Black Students Association President Zaheer R.Ali '94, also reached in New York, said he is gladto see Epps playing a larger role in racerelations.

Ali said he thinks the retreat is a good idea,but also called for more widespread efforts torelieve racial tensions.

"It's one thing to have the leaders meet, butyou also have to have that feeling trickle down toall of the students," he said.


Time will tell how successful the College's newrace relations initiatives are, Ali said. "I'mhappy to see the College responding, but I thinkmost students will withhold judgment until we seethe results of this restructuring," Ali said.

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