
Students End 25-Hour Law School Sit-In

'Griswold Nine' of Coalition for Civil Rights Protest Outside Dean Clark's Office

Facing a two year limit on his academic leave, Bell requested an extension but President Neil L. Rudenstine said last month that he would not be likely to grant such an extension.

While a camera crew from WBZTV Channel 4 was able to film the rally yesterday, University Police barred the crew from entering Griswold.

"It is just standard operating procedure," said Lt. John F. Rooney, one of several Harvard University Police Department officers on the scene. "The building is closed to media members."

Media members who are not affiliated with the University must make a formal request through the news office to enter a campus building, according to Rooney.

The police officers on the scene allowed the nine students involved free exit from the building but kept other students from the area outside Clark's office.


No arrests were made at any point during the sit-in, the police said.
