
April Fool's Day Pranks Strike

Gullible First-Years Phone Crimson for House Placements

He started to take down the names and identification numbers of the callers.

"I told some people they were in Currier House," he added.

No Bull

In an unrelated post-April Fool's incident, the A.D. Club's mascot, a bull's head, was stolen from the final club Monday night and left in the lobby of the Malkin Athletic Center (MAC).

The head was found yesterday morning by MAC manager John F. Wentzell.


"I come in and saw its smiling face," Wentzell said.

He added that a note reading "please return me to the A.D. Club" was attached to the head.

The MAC contacted the club, which sent someone to retrieve the head yesterday afternoon.

The head located on the third floor of the club, would probably require more than one person to carry because of its weight, according to a student familiar with the incident.

Nothing else in the club was broken or stolen during the theft--causing A.D. club members to speculate another final club may have been responsible, according to the source.

The bull's head is only the latest in a series of thefts that have struck other final clubs including the Fox, the Owl and the Spee clubs, according to several final club members.
