
Race Debates to Affect Foundation Elections

"The Leonard Jeffries incident really affectedme personally...the racial tensions I didn'texpect," said candidate Leemore S. Dafny '95. "Ithink all of the events on campus are a big signthat the Foundation has to be intensified."

Not all candidates say they are running becauseof recent events. But all the candidatesinterviewed said they wanted to help improveracial relations on campus.

"I decided to run because I wanted to getinvolved more," said candidate Fred Huang '94."And I also see a lot of potential in theFoundation."

And other candidates said they worry thatstudents running because of recent events may notbe committed to constructive change.

"You could have 10 really devoted people whowant to do constructive things or we can have 10people who are running...because they're angry,"said Adam D. Taxin '93, who represented QuincyHouse on the committee this past year and is nowrunning for an at-large post.


"If they run only because they're angry and runas outsiders then we're going to end up like theJimmy Carter presidency," Taxin said.

Not every student said the recent debate aboutthe Foundation precipitated their candidacy. Butcandidates said recent events are certainly ontheir minds.

"I was planning to run before this happened,"said Snow. "But this is just one more example ofthe reasons why I want to run.
