

The Debate Continues...

Crimson Exacerbates Tension

We hope that it is understood by all Harvard University adminstrators and students that the Black Students' Association are in complete support of Dr. S. Allen Counter and his work. The personal attack on him has been perceived by us as, and will be remembered as, an attack on the entire Black community. We will not stand for the denigration of a man who has done so much for us, White and "minority" students and the university at large.

All University officials should publicly defend Counter, as they have others, against the accusations being wielded against him and against calls for his dismissal. Any process that has begun to review any complaints will serve only to legitimize the assassination of Counter's character, and should end. If this is allowed to continue, the state of race relations for which Harvard, Counter, and the Harvard Foundation have labored, will be seriously damaged. Art Hall   President   Black Students Association

Editors' Note

The Crimson has made no "assertions regarding the BSA" and does not attempt to "discredit" it or pit it against other campus groups. We have supported and praised the organization in the past, and we have criticized it only for inviting Jeffries--not because of his views, but because of his violence. The staff never criticized the invitations of Conrad Muhammad or Chuck D.

Crimson reporters seek all comments from sources and we attempt to include those relevant to the news story when we write. Although space is limited, the editorial staff tries to print the views of anyone who writes an editorial or a letter in a timely manner.


Finally, The Crimson did not openly call for Counter's resignation or dismissal. We said: "Unless Counter retracts what seems to be gross insensitivity on racial and ethnic issues--and does it quickly--he should not be in charge of intercultural and race relations at Harvard."
