
Nathans to Be Frosh Dean

Duke Adminstrator Will Succeed McKay-Smith

But Jewett said Nathans is not likely to launchextensive reforms of the FDO early next year.

"She probably will not leap in and make changesimmediately without spending some time and gettingto know the place," said Jewett. "She has noready-made agenda to make overnight changes."

Nathans said she hoped Mackay-Smith would stayon at the FDO in a "very senior position."

The decision to tap Nathans culminates anextensive and secretive search spearheaded by12-person faculty and 12-person studentcommittees, and marks the first time students haveparticipated in a dean search.

Jewett praised the role of the studentcommittee in the search process.


"They did an extraordinary job of keeping thesearch confidential, which is usually one of thearguments used against having students involved insearches," said Jewett. "They gave a huge amountof time and excellent suggestions."

Jewett also said he supports further studentinvolvement in College dean searches, suggesting ajoint student-faculty committee instead of twoseparate committees.

"I now feel very confident that it could work,"he said
